Our Story
Leadership, vision and resilience
In 1993, an open-minded group of leading businessmen from our sector took the initiative to come together and developed an out-of-the-box vision for Jordan´s fruits and vegetables. This enthusiastic group of entrepreneurs started our association.
We introduced innovative technologies and started to aim for international markets. With an energizing spirit, our Association began to explore new niches and segments for our produce and we helped to put Jordan on the map in export markets such as the Gulf; Central and Eastern Europe and the EU.
Then came the regional conflict and our sector suffered badly with a sharp decline of exports. From 2011, our borders were closed, land-transport became impossible and our traditional export markets could no longer be reached. This greatly damaged our sector which suffered considerable losses. Companies that used to export 100-120 trucks of fresh produce per day, suddenly saw their markets disappear overnight.
With the support of our partners, we now once more lead the way for the sector and we explored new markets; our companies adjusted their production to new requirements and we all worked hard to improve our competitiveness to bring our sector to the next level.
We are proud to be back at the international arena and we presented Jordan in Fruit Logistica in Berlin during the past two years.
Our story is therefore one that shows leadership, taking the sector by the hand, showing resilience, overcoming difficulties and creating new opportunities for a brighter future of our country and our people.

JEPA’s first general assembly meeting (1994)

JEPA’s current board members and staff
JEPA offered us a chance to expose our Medjool dates to the world at Fruit Logistica. Perfect organization and real business!