Strengthening pesticide registration in Jordan

We are here to help contribute to lowering pesticides residues on crops

NVWA aims at strengthening the current authorization procedure for regular plant protection products (PPP), such that it contributes to lowering pesticides residues on crops.

Partners & Donors

This project is implemented by NVWA:

The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) monitors animal and plant health, animal welfare, and the safety of food and consumer products, as well as enforcing nature legislation.

Summary of Project Benefits

  • Clearly defined protocols for the evaluation of dossiers for the authorisation procedure for (bio) pesticides and microbial in Jordan.

Project Duration

The programme started in 2020 and runs until 2021.

Project Details


  • Strengthening the current authorisation procedure for regular plant protection products (PPP), such that it contributes to lowering pesticides residues on crops.
  • Develop a proposal for methods and corresponding data requirements for the evaluation of bio pesticides (microbial, botanicals, semi-chemicals like pheromones) which is feasible in the context of Jordan.
  • Develop together with Jordan MOA officials responsible for pesticide registration a proposal for a method and corresponding data requirements for the evaluation of microbial (arthropod natural enemies such as insects, mites) which is feasible in the context of Jordan.

Your Benefits

Clearly defined protocols for the evaluation of dossiers for the authorisation procedure for (bio) pesticides and microbial in Jordan.

Your Commitment

Participation requires the following commitments from your side:

Time of relevant experts from the Plant protection and phytosanitary directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan for project tasks assigned to the experts.

* Facilities for workshops in Amman (meeting room, tea/coffee, lunch, etc)

Who can apply?

Project with Ministry of Agriculture – Jordan

Interested to apply?

Contact Roessink, drs. G.L. (Gerard)


Interested to apply?

Jordan Exporters and producers association for fruit and vegetables (JEPA) Tel: (+9626) 5699631 Email: