Trade for Employment Project
We are here to help focus on building capacities and strengthening structures in a sustainable manner to enable Jordanian companies to enhance their trade performance.Are you a Jordanian company looking to improve your trade performance and generate additional employment opportunities? If you are, GIZ Trade for Employment Project in Jordan offers you good opportunities:
– Strengthening the private sector participation in shaping a conducive trade environment.
– Improve availability and quality of demand driven trade related services.
– Facilitate trade across borders by simplifying trade procedures.
– Support to identifying, hiring and retaining labor in trade related industries / sectors.
Partners & Donors
This project is implemented by GIZ:
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH often shortened to simply GIZ, is a German development agency headquartered in Bonn and Eschborn that provides services in the field of international development cooperation and international education work. GIZ’s main commissioning party is Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Other commissioners include European Union institutions, the United Nations, the private sector, and governments of other countries. In its projects, GIZ works with partners in national governments, actors from the private sector, civil society and research institutions. It is the organization’s self-declared goal to deliver effective solutions that offer people better prospects and sustainably improve their living conditions
Summary of Project Benefits
- Matching of Jordanian and Syrian refugees.
- Trade-oriented companies.
- Ultimate users of through capacitating of service providers for trade related services.
- Border Agencies
Project Duration
The program started in October 2017 and runs until December 2022.
Project Details
The Trade for Employment project focuses on building capacities and strengthening structures in a sustainable manner to enable Jordanian companies to enhance their trade performance and generate additional employment opportunities.
The project works to achieve this goal in several ways. It is supporting the private sector to create a trade-friendly business environment by developing the negotiating capacities of chambers and business associations through Institutionalizing dialogue with the government. It also seeks to improve the availability and quality of demand-driven trade related services, identifying and resolving existing barriers to trade, and develop action plans to facilitate export procedures and reduce trade costs in line with the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement.
Finally, the project strives to improve recruitment procedures in trade-oriented businesses, with a focus on the placement of Jordanian jobseekers and Syrian refugees.
Your Benefits
- Strengthening the private sector participation in shaping a conducive trade environment.
- Improve availability and quality of demand driven trade related services.
- Facilitate trade across borders by simplifying trade procedures.
- Support to identifying, hiring and retaining labor in trade related industries / sectors.
Your Commitment
- No Commitments required
Who can apply?
Jordanians / Syrian Refugees in Jordan
Interested to apply?
Jordan Exporters and producers association for fruit and vegetables (JEPA)
Tel: (+9626) 5699631