بذور Bothoor – Inclusive growth and development of micro-enterprises

Description of the initiative.

The initiative aims to support access to income opportunities and foster the creation of decent work opportunities for the most vulnerable Syrian and Jordanian refugee population, particularly women, youth and people with disabilities, in the Governorates of Ibrid, Zarqa, Russeifah, Tafileh, al-Karak, Mafraq, Balqa, Jerash and Ajloun.

Duration and period of implementation.

18 Months, March 2024 / August 2025


  • Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI) lead partner
  • Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II (FGPII) partner
  • EFE-Jordan local partner
  • Jordan Exporters and Producers Association for Fruit and Vegetables-JEPA local partner

Location of intervention:

  • In Zarqa Governorate, specifically the city of Rusaifah and the city of Zarqa
  • In Irbid Governorate, specifically the city of Irbid, the city of Kharja, in the department of Beni Kinana
  • In Tafileh Governorate, in the city of Tafileh
  • In the Governorate of Al-Karak, area of Ghor Safi and South Ghor
  • In the Governorate of Mafrak, villages Um Jimal, Amira Basma
  • In Balqa’ Governorate, city (capital) Salt, village Diara
  • In Jerash Governorate, villages Bourmae Nahla
  • In Ajloun Governorate, city of Ajloiun

The criteria for selection of beneficiaries.

The identification of farmers/associations involved in AID 011481 and partner FGPII and the JEPA- implemented “fruit and vegetable processing start-up” project will see Vulnerability Assessment data collection and will take into consideration the participation of applicants in IGAs. The associations involved cover the governorates of: Mafraq, Irbid, Balka, Jerash, Ajloun and Karak. Instead, the following selection criteria will be considered for participants interested in starting a business:

  • Being resident in the target area of intervention;
  • Have a business idea;
  • Be between the ages of 18 and 40 for men and 18 and 50 for women, with no age limit; for PwDs;
  • Demonstrate interest and commitment in completing the training;
  • Meet the criteria for economic vulnerability, such as: high levels of debt to lower income;
  • Be able to read and write.


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September 19, 2024